Monday 21 September 2009

Ideas for film project

At the start of last week, our class decided what groups we would be going into to start our filming project. From there we began deciding what our film, is going to be about. After thinking about it for a while, we came up with the idea of a documentary, but we then realised that our film had to be fiction based. We asked Mr. Deen (our media teacher) who told us we could do a documentary film as long as we incorporated some sort of fiction into it. Using that information as a foundation, we then came up with the idea of doing a horror documetary type of film, where the format of the film would start off as someone filming a documentary, but would unfold to become a horror e.g. the character filming the documentary may see a ghost or a monster etc. We felt that this would be a good idea becuase it was something unique and innovative that other groups in our class are less likely to do, becasue of how unique and different it was. We then presented our idea to the class, and as we thought no one had an idea that was similar to ours.

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