Monday, 10 May 2010

Film Trailer evaluation

Above is the link to the scribd document of the evealuation of my groups film opening. In order for this evaluation to be easier on us, we decided to do a collective evaluation with each of us making a seperate contribution. The parts I contributed to the presentation were the How did you did you attract/address audiences and the What have I learn't slides.


Anonymous said...

Good evaluation with plety of detail

Entreated said...

Detailed evaluation but could of included more images in previous slides rather than just on the last slide. Also questionnaires in order to get the audience prefered viewing.

Sidwell said...

very well done with the amount of detail that has been put into the presentation is done very well, how ever i did notice there wasn't as much images as there could be.

aaron collins said...

your blog is very detailed although you could have included more images. although your evaluation is to an imressive standard.